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Optimism For The Lightning Despite Three Hard Losses

Tampa Bay Lightning Stamkos
Getty Images

Are we seeing the fallibility of the 2021 Lightning roster? With 2020-2021 being without argument the best time to be a Tampa Bay fan in any sport from minor league soccer to the NFL, it is difficult to not get nervous after three devastating Lightning losses.

The Lightning suffered an embarrassing loss on Saturday at the hands of the Carolina Hurricanes in a shutout, giving away 4 goals. This comes just a week after a 1-2 series against in-state rivals, the Florida Panthers. Could this be evidence that we will not see a repeat of the 2020 Stanley Cup win?

Although Tampa Bay dropped in the standings, these tough losses were at the hands of the #1 and #2 team in the Central Division. The Hurricanes have already racked up 25 points this season, giving them 2nd place in the entire league, 5 points behind the monstrous Maple Leafs. It is far too early to tell, but after years of a hockey champion drought, we might see a cup contender coming from the Great North.

Now is not the time for Tampa Bay fans to start sweating, despite the rest of the country literally freezing. Now is the time for the team to make these mistakes, find the holes in their strategy, and fix the problems before their post-season chances truly wane. The Lightning are putting themselves in an excellent position in the early season, leaving only a 4-point distance from 1st place in the Central Division. They have room to make these mistakes.

Tampa Bay fans are no stranger to utter disappointment. The scars of the 2019 playoffs may not have fully healed, despite a legendary season winning the Covid Cup. Three losses in other circumstances would normally not shake die-hard fans, but it is understandable for the “Thunder” to get nervous after three painful losses. Relax, Tampa Bay, these fears are un-founded. These losses have shown not the fallibility of the team but the fallibility of their current offense.

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